Young Welsh entrepreneur Laura set up Grown-Up School in 2019 to teach young people important life skills that would help them as grown-ups. Since then, Laura’s Grown-Up School has taught tens of thousands of young people worldwide how to do important adult things, such as how to look after their money, manage their career, well-being, relationships and home.

Laura is a very compelling advocate for the importance of teaching children these valuable life skills, and so far she has secured enough corporate sponsor partners to enable Grown-Up School to deliver crucial life lessons to an increasing number of youngsters at no charge.

Her passion for teaching youngsters important life skills has captured widespread media interest and Laura has told the Grown-Up School story to media outlets ranging from The Sun and The Daily Star to The Western Mail, South Wales Argus and Business Vision.

Laura’s entrepreneurial, educational exploits have been widely recognised by various awards bodies: she is a finalist in the Technology and Purpose Entrepreneur category of the to-be-announced 2023 Great British Entrepreneur Award, and The Grown-Up School was named the 2023 Education and Training StartUp of the Year in Wales.

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